Wonders of the Blue

a One Piece Oceans Zine

Our mission is to create a project that centers around the watery world and sea life of One Piece to donate all proceed to the Shark Conservation Fund! In the past 40 years there has been a drastic decline in sharks in the sea due to overfishing and massive hunting of these majestic fish. Sharks are extremely important to the ecosystem and food webs of our oceans. If they aren’t protected, we not only may lose one of the earth’s oldest creatures, but it will cause a ripple effect that will negatively impact not only our ocean’s health, but the loss of jobs to millions of people and even worldwide food stability.If we can help, even a little bit, it’s worth the chance to not only save sharks but protect the earth and people as well!


Head Mod & Formatting Mod
any pronouns
Favorite Sea Creature: RAYS! ALL RAYS!

Writing Mod & Socials Mod
Favorite Sea Creature: Turtles & ducks

Art Mod
Favorite Sea Creature: goblin sharks!! some of the goofiest guys out there

Graphics Mod
Favorite Sea Creature: Garden eels and cownose rays

Merch Mod
Favorite Sea Creature: Moon Jellyfish and Orcas

Former Mod
Favorite Sea Creature: Oarfish and Great White Sharks

FAQWill this zine be physical or digital?Digital! We want to make sure all of our proceeds go directly to charity!Will there be merch?Yes, there will be digital merch!What charity will the zine be donating to?The Shark Conservation Fund! You can learn more about this charity here !Is there an age restriction for applicants?Anyone 16+ may apply!Can I apply for more than one role?Yes, you may apply for more than one role, but we will not allow a contributor to have more than two roles! Keep in mind this is double the work though!How many pieces are we required to complete if accepted?For page/spread artists, we expect one fully colored artpiece, though there could be the option to do an additional piece!For writers, we require you to do one piece that is determined to be about 1k-3k words! There can be the option to do more than one piece if you wish!For a merch artists, we will require you to do two pieces of merch with the option to do more. Each person will be assigned to merch pieces based on pitch results.How much will the zine cost?TBD!Is romantic/shipping content allowed?No, this will be a shipping-free zine!Will all pieces need to be ocean-centric?Yes, we would like all pieces to feature the ocean in some manner, whether it be underwater or above water! Involving the marine life of One Piece is highly encouraged!Will AUs be allowed?Within reason, things such as mermaid AUs depicting say one of the Strawhats as a mermaid will be allowed, but we will be limiting the amount of AUs like this featured in the zine, sticking fairly close to canon!

Tentative Schedule (subject to change)
Interest Check: September 1st-October 1st ~~
Mod Apps: October 6th-October 27th
Contributor Apps: November 6th-December 18th
App results: January 4th, 2024
Contributor Arrival: January 6th
Pitch period: January 12th-24th
Pitch Assignment: January 26th
Check-In 1: February 19th
Check-in 2: April 7th
Check-in 3: September 1st

Check-in 4: October 6th
Final Edits: November 21st
Formatting & Holiday Break
Preorders: January 10th-February 15th

GENERAL GUIDELINES-This SFW project is newbie-friendly! We encourage any One Piece creators to apply, even if they haven’t been in a zine before!-The project will mainly feature digital artwork. If you work traditionally, you will need to provide a high-quality scan of at least 300 DPI. One of your samples must showcase your ability on how professionally / high rez. you can scan your work.-It is not required to have One Piece-related samples/within your portfolio, but it is encouraged to have at least one! We also request that no NSFW examples be given in your application.-Since the zine is for charity, there will be no compensation other than the ability to download the zine.ARTISTS GUIDELINES-You will need to submit 3 main sample pieces of artwork that you believe showcase your body of work the best.-At least one of your pieces needs to have a full background.-Mods will be looking for your ability to show composition, anatomy, color theory, backgrounds (if applying as a page artist), perspective, and light/shading.- No NSFW examples are permitted in the application, any applications containing NSFW content will not be considered.-Make sure your additional portfolio is not just your submission pieces but also other pieces. We recommend a portfolio with 5-10 pieces max, but it is open for every applicant to decide the number of pieces within their portfolio by themself.-If you submit via google drive make sure to have your permissions turned on to 'everyone with the link can see' - we will not be requesting access to samples to fix your application, so please double-check your links! (You may check them by opening the links in an incognito tab!)WRITER GUIDELINES-You need at least three samples with one of those samples being a completed work. You are allowed to have snippets of other works as samples, but please make sure you list what work this snippet is from, and the link to the full piece if it can be provided.-Samples need to be at least 500 words in length, but should not go above 1,500 words for ease of assessment. If you have works that are significantly above or below the limit range then your application may not be considered for this project.-We will be looking at your ability to do characterization, correct spelling and grammar, and how well you portray the subject matter at hand.-Please make sure all submissions are in English. No NSFW examples are permitted in the application, any applications containing NSFW content will not be considered.-If you submit via google drive make sure to have your permissions turned on to 'everyone with the link can see' - we will not be requesting access to samples to fix your application, so please double check your links! (You may check them by opening the links in an incognito tab!)